
Monday, November 17, 2014

The "New" American Dream!

In the world today there is a word that strikes fear in everyone, but yet drives us to want to be better.  That one word can cause so much anxiety and pride at the same time.  As most of you already know there is an epidemic going on in America.  That epidemic is called obesity!  With towns full of fast food and sweet treats; it’s easy to see how Americans can’t say NO to easy food for a busy life.  The main problem we all face is the use of the word “diet”.  Why would one word cause such a problem?  Let’s dive in and take a look into the world of “diets” shall we!
Everywhere we go to eat we can see the word diet all of the time.  When grocery shopping we see it used in other forms; such as fat free, reduced fat, or light.  This creates a false sense of healthy eating within the masses.  Americans, for the most part, do not read the labels of items being bought for their homes.  We see the word “diet” and automatically think its ok for us.  Not knowing that behind that “safe” label lays our hidden enemy.  
Each time we go to the store to buy food, we tend to go for the things that make it easier and faster.  The reason we do this is because our schedules dictate us too.  We no longer take the time to cook a hot meal for our families.  Besides the fact we lose the family dynamic of everyone gathered around the dinner table, we also lose the sense of healthy eating habits.  We are ok with a dollar menu burger because it’s cheap and fast.  We don’t see all the sodium it takes to preserve the foods in packages as a threat until a bad doctor visit. 
The cost of healthcare is going through the roof in this country at an alarming rate.  The main reason is due to the fact of unhealthy diets.  When we think of the word “diet”, we think it is something we have to do in order to be healthy or fit.  We think it’s full of salads and slices of apples or a banana.  We deem it rabbit food and dread eating it with a regular meal.  That is where the problem of diets comes into play.  A healthy diet doesn’t have to look like a rabbit’s menu at all.  It can look the complete opposite and still work like nature intended.
The first rule of thumb is to eat fresh!  This means a wide variety of colors in your foods.  Fresh meats like chicken and fish are some of the best sources of protein.  Fresh (raw) vegetables are the best source of complex carbs which is needed with each meal.  Every meal should consist of a protein, good fat, and a complex carb.  This is a good rule to remember when trying to change to a healthy diet.  Whoops I used that ugly word didn’t I?  Well the word diet itself isn’t meant to be used any other way other than expressing what is in yours.  A healthy diet is completely different from a “diet”.  Adding in nuts like almonds or walnuts is a great source of fats.  Throw in some protein bars for mid-afternoon snacks and you won’t ever get hungry.  Drinking plenty of water throughout your day will help your body digest food properly. 
There are many ways to change to a healthy lifestyle and you must choose which works best for you.  Whichever you choose, just know that it is not a diet you are starting; it’s a lifestyle change and a way of life.  Read labels and learn the difference from healthy and just a hidden form of unhealthy disguised as “diet food”.  Be sure to start a workout program at least 3 days a week for 20 minutes a day.  This could be a brisk walk or circuit training with weights.  It only takes you making up your mind to change your life.  It’s a choice to start now or regret it later.  Be patient because it took time to get you where you are now so it will take time to get you where you want to be.  Food prep is the key to success in any journey, what you eat makes up for 80% of all weight loss.  “To prep for success ensures us to never fail.”  Above all else stay consistent.  Best of luck and hoped this helped.   
Me a year apart with 40 lbs. gone and over six inches gone from my body.